Quality and Certifications

Diadema is a company with a mission that includes ethics and rigor in scientific activities, both research and information, in first place.


Diadema, an Innovative PMI company

Since the year 2021 Diadema has been certified as an innovative PMI. This certificate, awarded by the Italian authorities, allows the company to have important tax advantages on investments in R&D as well as for investors in the company. This certification clearly underlines the innovativeness and value of Diadema's products and patents.

Started in 2015 with the art. 4 of Legislative Decree 3/2015, in the wake of the legislation referring to innovative startups, innovative PMI’s represent an important nucleus of companies that contribute to the innovative development of the country. These constitute the second evolutionary stage of the so-called innovative startups cd., ready for the consolidated growth phase.

Companies that possess the requirements for the certification can apply for this special status through self-certification from the legal representative and access to the dedicated concessions by registering in the special dedicated section of the Company Register at the Chambers of Commerce on the national territory.

ISO 9001 quality certificate

In addition to this certification, Diadema received also ISO 9001 quality certifications

The ISO 9000 series standards were defined by the International Organization for Standardization to outline the requirements for quality management systems within companies. These are general and flexible rules, applicable to the most varied business processes and sectors.
ISO 9001 is the best known and most used standard for quality management systems all over the world: in fact, more than one million companies are now certified according to this standard in 170 different countries. It is a certificate or a "mark" whose possession demonstrates that the company's activities reflect the requirements of the ISO 9001 standard; in this way the customers can have full confidence that the services and products placed on the market reflect to specific characteristics and that all the phases relating to their realization can be traced and verifiable.

ISO 9001 is in fact a regulation aimed at the continuous and constant improvement of the company, with the aim of optimizing the organizational structure. It is a strategic choice for companies that want to increase the quality of their production, optimize costs, become more efficient towards the market and customers.

GMP quality certificate

The GMP Certification - Good Manufacturing Practices indicates the operating conditions, guidelines and related requirements needed in order to guarantee safety, quality, repeatability and hygiene throughout the supply chain production.

The ultimate goal is the customer protection and, therefore, the safety and quality of the product.

In order to reach the GMP Certification, the company must put into practice a set of specific procedures and meet requirements, such as:

- the definition and organization of the dedicated structures;

- ordinary and extraordinary maintenance of the equipment used within the company;

- storage and proper disposal of waste;

- transparency in traceability systems;

- cleaning tools and equipment.

The main aspects of the reference scheme for GMP Certification are:

- Focus on risk assessment in the use of suppliers;

- Measurement of the satisfaction of the interested parties in relation to the reference area;

- Evaluation of test reports of devices;

- Measures aimed at contrasting the counterfeiting of products;

- Application of a performance improvement system.

GACP quality certificate

The GACP Certification (“Good cultivation and harvesting practices for medicinal plants”) is the normative reference relating to the general technical indications needed to obtain good quality medicinal plant materials for the sustainable, safe and appropriate production of active ingredients fron plants.

The standards dictated by the World Health Organization (WHO) provide detailed descriptions of the techniques and procedures required for the appropriate cultivation and harvesting of medicinal plants and for the collection and recording of data and information relating to the operations performed.

The safety and quality of raw materials and active ingredients derived from medicinal plants and finished products depend on internal factors of the medicinal plant (genetics) and external factors to it (environment, procedures, processing, transport, storage).

Therefore, compliance with strict procedures and their quality control has a direct influence on the safety and efficacy of the resulting herbal medicinal products. Procedures are only the first step in quality assurance, on which the safety and efficacy of products depend.

The GACPs represent the widely accepted standard requirements for considering the natural substance produced suitable for entering the production phases of the pharmaceutical sector and for obtaining qualification as an certified supplier.

The alignment with the standards referred to "Good Agricultural and Collecting Practices", adds towards the manufacturing company:

- Credibility, reliability, transparency towards the external market;

- Continuous improvement of performance and chance of cost reduction;

- Satisfaction of the requirements required by the market and export booster;

- Assurance of quality, safety, and strengthening of the company image.

Certificate of adherence to the 231 model

Diadema has adopted in its internal organization with an ethics, behavioral and certification model that comply the company's full adherence to the Italian law 231, that rules transparency in relations between private companies and the public administration.
Law 231/01 introduced the liability of companies for any crimes committed by directors, managers, employees, partners or collaborators.

Responsibility is expected to be borne by the companies whenever a crime is committed by their employees or cooperators in the interest or to the advantage of the company. It is not necessary to have achieved a concrete "advantage", but it is sufficient that there is "the interest" of the company in a potential advantage coming from the commission of the offence.

Breaking of the rules on the protection of health and safety in the workplace and environmental crimes are included in the types of crime envisaged for the application of the decree.

Regardless of the strictly legal-sanctioning aspect, the adoption of an Organizational Model that makes internal procedures more transparent, as well as guaranteeing exemption from administrative liability, constitutes an opportunity for growth and development for companies, improving their public image and reducing the transaction costs coming from possible legal actions and contracting processes.

Advantages of the 231 Organizational Model (for companies and administrators):

- The opportunity to manage an aware company and fully hand over the reins of the company to the Board of Directors for the management of employees;

- The opportunity to reinstate liability within the limits of corporations, and not to assume responsibility for arbitrary acts by employees;

- Avoid crimes carried out with willful misconduct by employees, even to the detriment of the company itself;

- Safeguarding the corporate assets and the personal assets of the directors, making the company exempt in cases of crimes including manslaughter for accidents at work, fraud, evasion, corruption and others;

- The possibility for directors not to be personally involved with their assets due to mismanagement;

- The opportunity to reorganize the corporate structure in a simple way, to better respond to current needs, but to articulate and trace the operational and authorization processes in the areas of greatest risk.